
Why exercise is necessary for senior citizens?

Senior citizens are people who have gained years of experience and wisdom. However, they go through a single phase that is filled with difficulties and problems on numerous occasions. We're talking about growing older. The process is unavoidable, and this is a reality we must all accept. There is a widespread misconception that it is another term for life with health complications. But are you aware that this is only half the truth?

While none of us can truly avoid it, we can raise our standard of living to make it amazing. All we'll need in our inventory is a healthy lifestyle, a well-balanced diet and a little amount of dedication to make it work! A healthy lifestyle for senior citizens must include regular physical activity. No, we're not talking about heavy lifting and core exercises. Just the basics to improve your posture, balance, and concentration as a starting point, and then you can choose your lifestyle:)

Physical activity or exercising in old age is not only beneficial but also uplifting in many ways, because it:

  1. Enhances and Boosts Health
  2. Aids in the management of several chronic health conditions
  3. Prevents accidental falls and the associated damage
  4. Improves movement and coordination
  5. It assists us in living life on our terms.
  6. This results in a more positive attitude.
  7. Prevents many serious lifestyle conditions like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, hypertension, etc,.
  8. This could result in better posture and stamina to get through the day. 

So, as you can see, there are several reasons for senior citizens to exercise, but not a single reason for them not to. MD, Phd Prof. Randall Stafford stated in a Stanford BeWell article that most of the health complications we face are the result of sedentary lifestyles and neglect rather than the progression of old age. As a result, it is critical to incorporate exercise modules, no matter how small or long, into our daily routine. Your workout routine can include anything from brisk walking and breathing exercises to long distance events and training sessions under expert supervision. To initiate, you can truly start by walking to digest your food. Then you can continue the activity by doing stretching exercises to help relax your muscles and then experimenting with asanas or muscle training to help enhance the mobility of your body. Prof. Stafford asserts that "every adult over the age of 40 must participate in strength training, core workouts, and stretching in order to retain body mass, balance, and flexibility." This is crucial for leading a healthy and fit lifestyle.

Here are some exercises for senior citizens to try:

  1. Aerobic exercise
  2. Pilates
  3. Yoga
  4. Strength training
  5. Meditation
  6. Breathing exercises

However, since each person is unique, the exercise program will vary depending on a person's health, diet, and ability. As a result, working out with a professional trainer who can guide you through the workout routine and help you track your progress is recommended. 

As a result, Watch by Brilliant Wellness has developed sessions for Senior Citizens in collaboration with experienced and skilled fitness trainers. The programs by them are as follows:

Eternal Yoga for Senior Citizens by Shahshi Sarda, 

Taichi With Sandeep Desai,

Postural Correction For Senior Citizen  by Dr. Nikhil Lad, 

Yoga From Frisco  by Robert Dittler, 

Yoga For Senior Citizens  by Khuahhish Sharma, and 

Yoga For Elderly by Usha Devi Rathod. 


These trainers will accompany you in Do it Along sessions which are interactive and informative in nature and will help in your goals of a fit and active lifestyle.

Here are some additional tips to aid you in your quest for better health:

  1. Waking up early
  2. Maintaining a colorful diet (You can check out our series #ThodaKhaoThodaJalao for unique recipes)
  3. Keeping yourself hydrated
  4. Refraining from smoking or drinking
  5. Opting for steps instead of stairs (If possible)
  6. Warming up before any physical activity
  7. Standing without support (Unless there are some health complications)

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